- Backup, Backup, Backup. Use a good offsite backup service and maintain good onsite backups. I have been recommending iBackup to my clients for a couple of years now and have been pleased with ease of use and performance.
- If you hear funny noises, shut down your computer and have it looked at immediately. Clicking and chattering are not normal.
- Use a good anti-virus software and anti-spyware software. These help cut down on software damaged drives. See my Discounts page for some of the software options I recommend, or email me for specific recommendations for your situation.
- Purchase and maintain a good UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply). This is important because about 30% of the drives we see are electronically damaged in brown-outs.
- Clean the inside of your computer out (canned air is a wonderful thing!) and change the power-supply once every year. (Especially servers.) Maintenance is a good way to avoid damage. Dust seals in the heat and keeps the air from getting to the aluminum to wick off the heat. Aluminum radiates less than 2% of its energy so air/metal contact is a must. Clean more frequently if you work in a dusty environment.
- On critical systems, implement a RAID architecture. Mirroring or RAID 5 or more is preferred. This means it takes more than one drive failing to cause a crash.
- Restore your backups on a semi-annual basis to check that your backups are complete.
- Do not, under any circumstances, while running or not, shake or hit the drive. This can lead to irreparable damage. This would seem like something I don’t have to tell you, but you’d be surprised how many people use the old “kick it and see if that fixes it” mentality.
- Do not have food around your computer, particularly laptops. Sodas are the number one reason laptops seem to die (At least the ones sent to me)
- Finally, do not immerse in water. Water will destroy your drive. Why? Hard disks are exposed to the air so they can properly maintain a pressure inside the drive. Water will seep inside the drive and corrode the surface.