QRCode or QRTag howto
Many of you want to reach that mobile audience out there with your articles, here’s the basic information on how to create a qrcode / qrtag.
Open the website you wish to create the tag from, click to highlight the URL at the top (http://www.coredatarecovery.com/ in this case).
Copy the link.
Open http://qrcode.kaywa.com, select where it says:http:// and insert your link. Be sure there is only one http://www.coredatarecovery.com.
Click Generate Free.
Shoot the QRCode with your Iphone, Android, Or Blackberry. Be sure it takes you to the site.
Right click the QRCode save it with a useful name like CDR.png Yes, if it says php, change it to xxx.png It is a Portable Network Graphic file.
Now you can insert this link into your banner, article letter, put it on your business card or insert it in your television advertisement. (Please be certain your link works before you save it.)