Archive for September, 2010

NextGen Gallery in WordPress – How do I change the size of my Image Gallery?

If you choose image browser from your NextGen menu in a post, it will default to full width of the column (570 pixels wide In my case) this means vertical photos will be bigger as they will stretch to that width and maybe not look as nice.

If you wish to bound any object in WordPress or on the web, tables a good way to do this as the object in question can not exceed the bounds it’s given to live within.

after inserting your code for the imagebrowser you get:

(imagebrowser id=4) except square brackets

try wrapping it in a center wrap and a table wrap with a limiter width on the table.

<center> <table width=”320″> (imagebrowser id=4) </table></center>

now your imagebrowser will be 320 wide and centered.

For slideshows, if you wish to change the size of those throughout your site, you can select options from the NextGen gallery menu on the left menu bar in WordPress.

then you can select slideshow and change the size of your slideshow window.

I recommend you resize your photos for a multiple of the default slideshow size.

If your slideshow default size is 320×200  Pics can be 640×480, 940×680, 1024×768 this way your slideshow pictures won’t be fuzzy.

If the second window is not smaller, Check it out with firefox or chrome, This theme has a weird buggy table issue in IE I’m working on it.
[imagebrowser id=1]

Here it is bound to 320px

[imagebrowser id=1]

Update of death – Vista… !!0xc01a001d!! 37398/94614 (\Registry\Machine\Components\deriveddat…)

Had a customer today with the update of death for Vista. I searched thousands of articles about this without finding a suitable solution, I thought I’d put this in my blog.

Computer boots up and freezes, upon running start up repair I get:

!!0xc01a001d!! 37398/94614 (\Registry\Machine\Components\deriveddat…)

and the computer locks up.

Computer won’t boot, even in safe mode.

My research shows that the error is due to a log file jamming up. This is caused by something in the update process not going right.

I think it’s funny that if windows can’t complain to the log, it can’t continue to fix any problems.

So, to fix this problem here were my steps:

I booted a linux cd (Click to download Knoppix or Click to download Ubuntu)

The c: drive had 2 partitions /dev/hda1 an/dev/hda2

  1.  I right clicked, mounted the hda2 partion on the desktop.
  2. Right clicked the hda2 changed it to write mode (If you generate an error saying windows did not shutdown cleanly: sudo ntfsfix /dev/hda2 then repeat steps 1 and 2.)
  3. I double clicked on the hda2 icon (or open nautulus /mnt/hda2)
  4. browse to the WINDOWS folder.
  5. Right click and rename the SoftwareDistribution folder (or alternatively copy it somewhere and delete it)
  6. Browse to the system32 folder
  7. Right click and rename catroot2 to catroot2.old
  8. Click the start gear and click logoff, shutdown
  9. Pull the Knoppix cd-rom from the drive.
  10. Boot from the hard disk and select startup repair.

This should get you to the point where windows Vista will run a repair and complete and reboot.

I would recommend you backup  your data to an external hard disk and then reformat the computer and setup from scratch as we are not certain what went wrong and don’t want to have to do this again in the future.